IR-4 - Meister Custom
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Client’s Need

The IR-4 Project was established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1963 to assist with the identification and registration of safe and effective pest management solutions for specialty crops. The submission of these records for users was in a very old system and website and they needed to modernize their front facing gateway to users.

The Solution

Our team worked with the IR-4 Project team across multiple departments to develop a completely revamped website from the ground up. The new site hade many new features, along with a fresh new mobile optimized website.

The content and navigation across the site was reorganized to better structure the organizations mission and vision, and for the user to easily navigate.

Each area the organization focused on is now well represented, and users can easily find what program they are looking for to submit records. Also added was various sub-sections for users to see past research, documents, and many articles created by the teams at Rutgers and NC state.


Are You Ready For A Refresh?

Let’s get in touch and discuss your wants and needs.